Try Twisted Pepper Hot Sauce at these Locations

You can also buy Single Bottles to take home!

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Twisted Pepper Gourmet Hot Sauce

Twisted Pepper Hot Sauce is a blend of peppers vinegar and himalayan pink sea salt.
Its smokey start leads to a palate of flavors that compliments any food.
Chris Clyncke
- Twisted Pepper Sauce Creator

What our customers are saying

Now if we did not convince you, maybe a few words from our customers will!

I just had my first taste of Twisted Pepper hot sauce and I'm already halfway through the first bottle. I started of with it on a venison burger burrito and it was so good I put it on my eggs the next morning and by that afternoon I was putting it on salad. Yes, salad. I may start adding it to my coffee in the morning next. I'm addicted. I love that smoky flavor.
John Doe
Russell Holcomb
Twisted Pepper Sauce Lover
Hi friends! I have tried the sauce and I have seen the light... amen. This is some seriously tasty stuff. If you need a fix, and are in the Longmont area, stop by Racheli's Italian Deli for a taste. It's great on everything from Pizza to Pasta and all points in between.
John Doe
Chris Blankenship
Racheli's Deli Co-Owner